life in the crap lane

Friday, January 30, 2009

why can't we live without straighteners?

Now i appreciate that there are things in modern life that are essential on a daily basis. Like the washing machine and tumble dryer, I mean who wants to go down to some manky river and scrub clothes against a filthy rock? The mobile phone cannot be done without, after all if our friends cannot get hold of us even when we are on the loo then what is the world coming to? Then there is lipstick that claims to stay put forever no matter where you put your gob - but that's a blog for another day! There's email - who writes a letter these days?? God knows I only use stamps at Christmas, and that is only for the old folk who have yet to get on the web
The list of 'essentials' is endless I know, but bloody straighteners???? I thought they were there for whenever we fancied a change of hairstyle. But apparently not! I was admittedly running late yesterday when I left the house au natural in the hair department. People actually stared at me - what was going on? I self-consciously slipped into the cafe where i was meeting a friend for lunch only to look up and see her bambi-esque wide eyes staring at me in a really horrified fashion. ''What?'' I almost screamed at her. She stumbled and stuttered and finally pointed to my hair - ''It's wwwwavy she stammered.
I glanced around the cafe and saw to my utter horror that at every single table sat women with dead straight, sleek and shiny hair - exactly the same except for various colours. I was lookin at Stepford wives and it was really creepy.
We didn't stay for lunch, just coffee and I have to confess that as soon as i got home i plugged in the straighteners and made myself look 'normal'. what have we done to ourselves????



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